Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I want to welcome everyone and clear the air by trying to explain what we are about. Al and Peggy Armstrong started Valley View Lavender Farm located in Buhl Idaho 10  years ago and we have created a unique place that featured fields of lavender and offered a lavender festival once a year. We won awards all over the United States  for our products and helped others start on their lavender journey. Sadly, in 2009, Al Armstrong passed away and I was left with a hard decision. Stay or go? Well, I purchased the old Cafe Mocha in Twin Falls and am currently trying to combine both businesses to create another unique destination location. The farm in Buhl, while still in operation is closed to the public. Keeping the farm in tip top shape for the public is a very intense undertaking. So, I have decided to bring a little of the farm to Twin Falls.

     Why Annie's? I am often asked. Well, Ann is my middle name and Al was the only one who called me Annie. A.L. is short for Annie's Lavender and gives us a chance to honor this man who helped start this ball rolling. 

     We are in the middle of planting the lavender in the back courtyard of the cafe. By spring of 2011, hopefully, we will have created a beautiful unique lavender garden complete with water features and tables for you to enjoy your lunch in. This tranquil setting will allow us to feature other artisans during our lavender festival (held in JULY) and offer tourists and locals alike a great little 'picnic' area to have lunch, brunch or small meetings in and outdoor setting.

     We offer premium roasted coffees using Dawson Taylor beans roasted daily in Boise.  Along with our new GI-NORMUS sandwiches.  This location is known for their famous FROZEN MOCHAS and occasionally, Annie likes to bake lavender flavored goodies and feature them in the cafe. You will have to follow us on facebook or our outside menu board to know what is going on. Until money is raised to add onto our building so we can remodel the kitchen, lavender cusine will not be available on a daily basis. Inside we sell Idaho made lavender bath, beauty and home decor products still made at the farm.

     Stop in for a visit and you can currently pick up some lavender coffee cake, lavender pumpkin bread or lavender zucchini bread made in canning jars. What a great gift for the up coming holiday season.

UNIQUE is our bag and tell them Annie sent you.